Taniwha at the marae!!!
Taniwha at the marae!!!
By Cassia.P.
I am the taniwha of the H.E.S.
I am greeny,blue like most taniwhas.
I have red devil ears and very sharp teeth.
The school is going to the marae.
It is a good day to play pranks.
I am very sneaky so I never get caught.
First I will do stratches on the gateway.
I'm bad if I push so i'll just fly to the gateway.
"Oh no there cameing!"
"Lets do this fast."
"Did you hear something."Said Anna to Cassia,as they walked to the gateway.
"No."Said Cassia shakeing her head.
"Okay then."Sighed Anna.
"But i did hear someone talking at back."Laughed Cassia.
I run to the building and the other prank to action.
Climbing up a tree I waited until everyone went inside.
I called all the bats in the town to came&sit in the tree.
It's day(Noone can go to to the marae at night.)So the bats are wide awake.
It will look like there is a new kind of bat&they'll have to research it.
The bats look scared of the hot sun.
The kids have just came out.
I jump into some water nearby.
"It's weird how all those things happened in one day."Said Cassia.
"A taniwha oh for goodness sake."Agreed anna.
Into another building they go!!!
Okay good to go!
She walked into the wharekai.
She was hungry now they won't mind if a had a bite.
So she ate everything in there.
So the people come into the house she was in.
She was so scared she jumped onto the roof&stayed there until they left.
She was so scared she became the taniwha of the marae.
"Wow it seems more peaceful now."Said Cassia.
"Yeah."Said Anna.
And they laughed.
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